首页    幕布    4K高清拉线电动地升幕







适用投影机:长焦投影机(投射比 >1.2:1)            适用环境:暗光(50Lx)环境下            适用场所:家庭影院、商务会议、教学等

Fabric Specs

MW is formed by compounding of two kinds of benign PVC. Black PVC is mainly used for light resistance (to prevent light transmission). The surface of white PVC is compressed into special lines with good diffuse reflection effect. Both white PVC and black PVC have good ductility, resilience, weather resistance, flame retardant, moisture resistance, mildew resistance, ultraviolet light resistance, electrostatic resistance, environmental protection and other physical properties. It has the advantages of strong color reduction, large field of view and high smoothness of screen.

Applicable Products:Tab Tension Screen(TB、TJ) , In-ceiling Screen (TR) , Quick fold screen(Q series), Fixed frame screen( FP , FZ , FC),

Applicable Places: Commercial, education, high-end cinema, home theater, conference, KTV, etc.

Matched Projector:  long throw projector


幕布参数|Fabric Parameter





1.阻燃性按照法国NF P92-507防燃安全等级判定;

2.可清洗是指A方式:用乙醇(7%)+乙醚(3%)的混合体进行清洗幕面;  B方式:用厨房洗洁精兑水清洗。(注意:所有幕面不能用酸性洗涤剂进行幕面清洗)



① 一般的灰尘请使用细软毛刷清洁银幕表面;

② 请使用不留棉絮的软布,沾温和肥皂水或中性洗碗精加水稀释;

③ 粗糙的毛巾或布料可能会伤害银幕表面;

④ 银幕表面有横向结构,所以清洁银幕时请左右方向擦拭;不可上下方向擦拭,也不可绕圆擦拭;

⑤ 清洁完成后,请确认银幕干燥。

警 告 !





1.The flame proof is judged according to the safety level of France NF P92-507.

2.A- Washing refers to cleaning the screen surface with a mixture of ethanol  (7%) and ether (3%).

  B-Wash with kitchen detergent and water. ( Attention: All screen surfaces should not be cleaned with acidic detergent )

Cleaning steps:
1. For general dust, use a soft brush to clean the screen surface.
2. Please use a soft cloth to dip with mild soapy liquid or neutral detergent.
3. Rough object or cloth may damage the screen surface.
4. Screen surface has optical textures, please wipe the horizontal direction when cleaning the fabric; do not wipeitvertical direction or revolve.
5. Please keep the screen dry.
- Avoid sharp objects from directly touching the screen surface to avoid puncturing or scratching the screen surface.

- Do not use acetone, benzene, alcohol, etc. to clean the screen with organic solvents, which will cause permanentdamage to the screen.
- Avoid scratching the screen surface.